Thursday, August 26, 2010

hi ladies,

sorry i have been so disorganized this swap! things have been SO busy lately ,as i sure they have been for all of you! so if i haven't given you your partners address, will you please leave a comment here?

i have had SO much fun doing this swap...and i promise that next *swap i will be back on track!

*thanksgiving swap


  1. I don't have Josephine's address yet. but you can shoot me a text with it. :)

  2. I don't have the address either. Call me and give it to me when you have time!

  3. Same here - i don't think Lisa's stuff will be here in time, so I need to ship it. And you're doing a fabulous job with the swap. It's a lot of fun.

  4. Amy... I'll be up there for Labor Day to visit, so I will be bringing yours then. This really crept up on me, too!
