Tuesday, September 28, 2010

we are doing a quick turnaround on this one.
october 3rd is when the swap will be closed (you have to rsvp by then)

november 1st is the date your package needs to be sent off.

as before...please invite your friends that would love doing this (but only if they are as fabulous at packages as yourself)

let the fun begin... (aka spending hours on the internet for ideas, getting glue gun burns, staying up 'till 2 am to finish something, your kitchen table a mess for weeks, spending WAY too much at the craft store, changing your mind a million times on what craft to do, and your husband asking again and again what exactly the point of the swap is! i am EXCITED to start!!!)

so leave a comment here if you are in.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Better Late Than Never!

No, I'm not referring to when I received this package, I'm referring to how long it has taken me to post about it! Emily's package came in the mail on a Saturday morning at the beginning of this month. My kids brought it in and were all excited thinking it was for them. Back away, kids, this one was all mine! (Actually, Emily was nice enough to throw in some candy necklaces and Pop Rocks for the kids which they devoured right away!)

This is what I saw when I opened the package...

And this is what I saw after I unwrapped everything! The package was complete with soft, furry slippers, a homemade card, darling homemade bookmarks, a quote book, the actual book and lots of candy. I'm not sure how Emily knew that Holland mints are my absolute favorite, but I was pretty excited when I saw them. I usually only get them when we go to the BYU bookstore because I don't know where to find them down here. What a treat for me!

The book Emily chose to send which I am excited to read (as soon as I get some time to actually sit down and enjoy it).

My favorite part of the package- seriously, how cute are these bookmarks! Now I don't have to use receipts and old plane tickets to mark my page anymore!

Emily and her sisters make these quote books that are filled with words of wisdom- which is something I am lacking so I was very appreciative!

Thank you so much, Emily, for the awesome package! I loved everything!!!
And thank you to Catherine once again for organizing this for us. I can't wait for the next swap!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

perfect timing

Having the mail carrier come to the door and hand you a package that you actually don't know what is inside was like Christmas. The kids were clamoring around wanting a glimpse and sure it was really for them. It truely was the perfect book and the perfect timing for me. I had just returned from six week of visiting family all of which we had not seen in two year except grandparents and was ready to do everything. I wanted to dejunk the entire house; can peaches, tomoatoes, corn and anything else I could get my hands on; prepare for a 10 mile run and oh yes finish my cloth diaper covers. Along with all of this school was starting in a couple of weeks and we had to do the shopping as well as feeling sorry for myself that I had to send them off for another year. My husband also was working nights on the weekends and two weeks of nights following that. This book came at a time when I needed to put things in perspective for myself as well as my family. I needed a reality check. The first thing I read was a poem the Rebecca typed up and I love it! I couldn't help but laugh and of course I ran and showed my neighbors. The second quote she gave me was from The Hiding Place (one of my all-time favorite books) that I have placed on the piano where I can read it everyday. I have thoroughly enjoyed the book and other wonderful gifts, a beautiful book mark and warm socks. Of couse the candy was so good I shared it with my kids and they thought that was the best part. Thank you so much for a well thought out gifts and sharing something that you enjoyed with me. It is a book that I will read through many times to bring me back to reality when I decide to take on the world!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Oh . . . this was too much fun! Cat you're so creative! I couldn't believe how darling the filler was in the box when I opened it. It almost didn't matter what else was in there - I loved it the minute I opened it!

The treats!!! If you look close enough you can see that the m&m bag is crumbled. I think it's been to Sea-Tac with me a few times taking my company back and forth. Yummy!

Cute new ballerina socks (2 pairs). Love them! My best attempt at first position (it's been a long time). :-)

Adorable handmade book mark!

And the book . . . now that my company is gone I can't wait to sit down with my hot chocolate, biscotti, and my new book!!!
Thanks Cat!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thanks Brenda!

My package arrived today! Poor Brenda forgot the zip code so the package was returned to her. It was probably on purpose because she loves going to the post office as much as I do (yeah right). Anyway, here I am sporting my awesome new piggy socks, I'm pretty sure my kids are gong to try to steal them!

The rest of my package included some tasty hot chocolate, chocolate chip cookies and candies, all of which are mine, all mine! The bookmark has my name on one side and CTR on the other. I love the colors! And the book, "Promises From God for Parents," is a very timely read for me as we navigate these first few weeks of school and crazy schedules!

Thanks Brenda, I love my package and I'm sorry for your postal troubles.

Fun Stuff!

I was so excited to get this package from Victoria--it was so colorful! I have always wanted "Oh, the Places You'll Go" so I was very happy to get it. My husband sat down and read it to our daughter right after we took it out of the box. She individually wrapped ALL of the mini chocolates--I couldn't believe it! It must have taken her forever. Thanks for being so thoughtful! This was very fun!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

perfect package

so jenn, you must really love me to give me this treat. i got NUTELLA and get this...RITZ CRACKERS to dip in it. DIVINE!!!
this is the bookmark. it is metal, perfectly heavy so it actually keeps your place.
i got these cute fuzzy socks and i am loving that they have non-slip bottoms and so when justin comes home and i quickly get up to pretend that i am not eating the whole jar of nutella, i won't slip on my wood floors!
everything was wrapped SO perfectly (jenn, you are woman after my own heart)
and finally the book!!! i waited to post until i had read it, and ...
i LOVED it. it was engrossing, entertaining and i want to read the sequel!
so thank you jenn. thanks for the awesome book, socks, bookmark and the extra back fat (from the nutella).


Sorry, Lisa. I got my package over a week ago and loved it, but have been a slacker about posting on the blog. It came in a pretty blue bag (not pictured here). I would have taken a better picture of the chocolate, but it didn't last long enough. I've never had sea salt in chocolate before, and it was delicious. Also, loved the Churchill bookmark and the socks.

I was going to save the book for our trip next week, but just couldn't wait!

Thank you, Lisa!

Monday, September 13, 2010

my turn

this is what i found inside my package from kim:

ok..in all fairness this isn't ALL of what she sent. i forgot about taking pictures and i had already eaten the package of malteasers and let my daughter wear the other pair of fuzzy socks to bed before i remembered. so there was another candy and another pair of socks ;)

* a book by jon krakauer detailing his climb on mt. everest (he was one of the few men who survived)

*a darling crocheted bookmark

*malteasers and a mint aero chocolate bar

*two pairs of fuzzy, hydrating socks-LOVE!

here is a closeup of the cute bookmark...

thanks kim, i loved it!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Wuhoo! Got my package yesterday!

I'm so excited! I have been waiting and checking my porch compulsively. And it came!
It is so full of fun stuff!  All in a cute basket.  Yummy hot chocolate flavors...
Red vines (which I LOVE), and Caramello (which I also LOVE)...Cute fuzzy socks, and a sweet note telling my why she chose the books...
And I am so excited about the books. I already started reading the Children one, because when my kids got home from school today I had to breathe deeply to control my irritation.  They all yell and talk at once and then my little one was crying for attention...you get the idea.  I love self-help books, and these two are perfect for me.
And of course, my bookmark.
  It is so fun to have a cute bookmark, usually I just use an old reciept or something.  Thank you Jeanne, I love it all!

Lovin' it!

Thank you so much, Amy! This is perfect for me. The book is "1,000 Places to See Before You Die" and it is the perfect read for my nightly soak in the tub. She carried the "travel" theme through everything else from the stamps on the bag to the wabi socks from Japan, elephant bookmark from China, and Canadian and Mexican chocolates. Love it! And I'm most excited about wearing the socks with my Havaianas all winter! :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My package arrived at my home on Friday!!!!
when i got home it was waiting for me at my door.
and in this package was all these wonderful things...

stylish socks!!!

milano cookies

My favorite!!!! Peanut M&M's thanks crystal!!

LOVED the book mark....

Watched the movie...so ready to read the book...and cry some more...

My awesome stuff

I am so excited for the wonderful things I got from Jasmine!!!

I love the socks, 4 new cute pairs that I can wear this fall.

The books are amazing, I can't wait to read the Book Thief( my sister already has dibs on it). Anything Jane Austen is pretty darn fabulous in my book. I was really excited for the bookmarks especially since she made one with my name on it!!! Between me, my daughter and my husband I'll be surprised if the treats last more than a day:) Thank you everything was great!!!

my loot

Okay, so here is my amazing package! Isn't it fun to get a package in just for yourself and you don't have to share with anyone???????

So first off was the cute bag my swap came in and the absolutely delicious treats. I had my sister take the picture at an angle so you couldn't actually see that half of the dark cream mints are gone. I guess since I am pregnant, I can blame it on the baby..... or a craving...or just plain greedy.....choices. The other treat were the tiny peanut butter cups also from Trader Joe's.

Sarah, you are a girl after my own heart.

Next came the socks. Everyone I showed them to can't stop touching them. They are lavender scented and infused with lotion. I finally told my kids to stop stroking them it was making me sick.

Last but not least, was this Nicholas Sparks book which I have not read and look forward to. It is always so fun to read something someone else loves. Next to the book was the black and white bead bookmark.
Sarah, thank you so much I LOVED EVERYTHING!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010


...I went out on my front porch to use the natural lighting for a jewelry photo,
when what do I spy? My present from Josephine!!

I tore into the package with a fury!

I got cute, fuzzy, blue slippers.
A music note bookmark. (ps...I never use bookmarks because I never put the book down)
Two books: "Sylvester" by Georgette Heyer, and "Silence in Hanover Close" by Anne Perry.
And a whole slew of snackage.
At this point I'm thinking Josephine is a genius. I told her I liked Victorian romances and mysteries, and she found me a Victorian Mystery (!!!) How awesome is that?

Next, I decide that Josephine is not only a genius, she must be a psychic.
How else would she know that I love and adore wedding mints?
(and all the other snacks, I've just always been ridiculed for my love of mints)

So, now I must go. Because, I've got some reading to do. . .
Oh. and did I mention that I LOVE this swap?

love this swap thing!!

this is my package i got from Nicole! the package was so cute, all pink black and white. i got whoppers and a heart book mark, and a pair of cute poka dot black socks, and the book, lord of the flies that i have not read for a long time! i love swapping it is so fun. thanks Nicole!