Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fun Stuff!

I was so excited to get this package from Victoria--it was so colorful! I have always wanted "Oh, the Places You'll Go" so I was very happy to get it. My husband sat down and read it to our daughter right after we took it out of the box. She individually wrapped ALL of the mini chocolates--I couldn't believe it! It must have taken her forever. Thanks for being so thoughtful! This was very fun!


  1. What a colorful package! I love the socks and the mini chocolate bars. We need a close up on those!

  2. Love those socks, AND those chocolates, AND the books! Way to go Victoria.

  3. This package rocks! I get Victoria next!

  4. really? vic? you are out of control!!! even the packaging matches!!!
    and are those socks those mis-matched ones you found online? LOVE!!!

  5. So cute! Everyone who is doing the "themed" packages, makes me feel like I missed the memo. But they are soooo cute!

  6. Fabulous as always Victoria. Maybe I need to step it up for the next swap :)
