Friday, September 17, 2010

Oh . . . this was too much fun! Cat you're so creative! I couldn't believe how darling the filler was in the box when I opened it. It almost didn't matter what else was in there - I loved it the minute I opened it!

The treats!!! If you look close enough you can see that the m&m bag is crumbled. I think it's been to Sea-Tac with me a few times taking my company back and forth. Yummy!

Cute new ballerina socks (2 pairs). Love them! My best attempt at first position (it's been a long time). :-)

Adorable handmade book mark!

And the book . . . now that my company is gone I can't wait to sit down with my hot chocolate, biscotti, and my new book!!!
Thanks Cat!


  1. I LOVE this book! I almost chose it for my swap. The bookmark is fabulous, the treats are cozy, and the socks are just darling! And I love your "1st position" pose, Jenn!

    Creative, as usual, Catherine! :)

  2. I love that book. Nice work on the bookmark!

  3. Great job, Cat. I love the Scarlet Pimpernel...think I might need to make a trip to ye olde Library. That bookmark made me swoon. (seriously...there must be something wrong with me)

  4. Who doesn't love sir Percy blakeny...or Jane seymore's outfits in the movie ;) fabulous package Catherine!

  5. YAY!!! i am so glad you like everything. i had a ton of fun doing it!
