Sunday, September 26, 2010

perfect timing

Having the mail carrier come to the door and hand you a package that you actually don't know what is inside was like Christmas. The kids were clamoring around wanting a glimpse and sure it was really for them. It truely was the perfect book and the perfect timing for me. I had just returned from six week of visiting family all of which we had not seen in two year except grandparents and was ready to do everything. I wanted to dejunk the entire house; can peaches, tomoatoes, corn and anything else I could get my hands on; prepare for a 10 mile run and oh yes finish my cloth diaper covers. Along with all of this school was starting in a couple of weeks and we had to do the shopping as well as feeling sorry for myself that I had to send them off for another year. My husband also was working nights on the weekends and two weeks of nights following that. This book came at a time when I needed to put things in perspective for myself as well as my family. I needed a reality check. The first thing I read was a poem the Rebecca typed up and I love it! I couldn't help but laugh and of course I ran and showed my neighbors. The second quote she gave me was from The Hiding Place (one of my all-time favorite books) that I have placed on the piano where I can read it everyday. I have thoroughly enjoyed the book and other wonderful gifts, a beautiful book mark and warm socks. Of couse the candy was so good I shared it with my kids and they thought that was the best part. Thank you so much for a well thought out gifts and sharing something that you enjoyed with me. It is a book that I will read through many times to bring me back to reality when I decide to take on the world!


  1. Great job rebecca!! you always do such a awesome job!!

  2. ok. those socks freakin' rock! and that book is one of those that you can read again and again and again.
    about that poem. i am thinking that you need to post it here. it is HILARIOUS!!!
