Thursday, September 2, 2010

Present Time

I'm so excited. I think getting packages is like Christmas every day.
The mail lady is my favorite person in the world and now Tammy is too!I got my package last week. (Tammy, you are so good getting it out early. Major kudos to you expecially being due.)
But due to a stomach flu, I didn't post till now. As you can see in the picture - I got not one but TWO books. I got the Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan, and Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen. I can't wait to plunge right into these books and enjoy. I also got FIVE fabulous pairs of sock, it is such a luxury to have five and they are girlie enough that my boys won't be stealing them. :) I got a box of M & Ms ( which I love)and popcorn to munch on while I enjoy my time to myself reading.

But, I might be having to fight my youngest munchkin for the M & Ms though!

Thanks Tammy, you did an amazing job.
I am so looking forward to indulging myself with all the contents of this package.
Thanks so much. I adore it.


  1. WHAT? five socks? and they look dang cute too!
    love it all tammy! (and for those of you who don't know, she had a GORGEOUS baby girl last week!).
    love it all (and gen you look pretty hot!)

  2. i love the lightening thief! that is such a fun series.

  3. What a great package!! Congrats Tammy on the baby girl.

  4. Wow. that makes me feel like a slacker for sending mine off yesterday. Congrats on the baby girl. :)

  5. Congratulations on your baby, Tammy! And I love the books you picked.

  6. such a great package !! congrats on a baby girl!! that is the best package ever!!
