Saturday, September 4, 2010

my loot

Okay, so here is my amazing package! Isn't it fun to get a package in just for yourself and you don't have to share with anyone???????

So first off was the cute bag my swap came in and the absolutely delicious treats. I had my sister take the picture at an angle so you couldn't actually see that half of the dark cream mints are gone. I guess since I am pregnant, I can blame it on the baby..... or a craving...or just plain greedy.....choices. The other treat were the tiny peanut butter cups also from Trader Joe's.

Sarah, you are a girl after my own heart.

Next came the socks. Everyone I showed them to can't stop touching them. They are lavender scented and infused with lotion. I finally told my kids to stop stroking them it was making me sick.

Last but not least, was this Nicholas Sparks book which I have not read and look forward to. It is always so fun to read something someone else loves. Next to the book was the black and white bead bookmark.
Sarah, thank you so much I LOVED EVERYTHING!!!!


  1. seriously? trader joe's treats are my FAVORITE! and i haven't read that book...yet!
    super cute sarah. as ALWAYS

    and em...can i stroke those socks...just once?


  2. Super fun and yes I have to admit I helped eat one or more of those fabulous chocolate mint treats. That book does look great.

  3. I'm next in line for the book! I really want to read it. Yep, I helped myself to the treats too:)

  4. Yeah...maybe I was there when you opened your package...and maybe I ate some of your candy...even though I don't like Minty candy...and that might have been me stroking those socks...maybe. ;)

  5. I love soft socks. Those look so dang comfy. And I can't believe your sisters were taking candy from a pregnant lady. Tsk Tsk, Ladies. *wink*

  6. such a great swap ! wow on the candy! I am a sis where is mine to steal?
