Monday, April 19, 2010


okay. so first the rules (annoying i know, but the better the rules, the better the packages!)

1. you need to send me your snail mail address

2. get working on those packages (i know that some of you don't really consider yourself crafty, or creative. that's what the internet is for. seriously. there is no point in re-inventing the wheel.)

3. share information about yourselves to your partner. for example, such as if you have kids, aka girls that would love 4th of july hairbows etc.

4. there should be at least three items in your package, if one is a bigger item, such as an apron, runner etc.
always err on the side of more, rather than less. think of what you would want to receive. (and i know that all of you want good packages)

5. make stuff that YOU adore instead of thinking what the other person would want.

6.ask questions. post them on this blog if you need ideas, help, information or something good to share that you found. the more interactive you are, the more fun it becomes. you are all going to be authors. away!


  1. yea, i'm so excited! thanks for organizing this cat.

  2. This is going to be so much fun!!

  3. Yey! I am really excited about this too! Let the creative juice flow!

  4. looking at this blog makes me happy :) and i'm impressed that you were up blogging at 7:39 AM.

  5. OK, I'm in! A little nervous though. Thank goodness for google!

  6. Yes, thank you Catherine for organizing this! I am so excited!!:)
