Sunday, April 25, 2010

snail mail

please send me your snail mail address. we are ready to start!
as of now, there are 16 of us. if there is any of your friends that want to do it, let me know.
we are going to close the swap on thursday the 29th.


  1. and start commenting already!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think I found some cool ideas. So now the question becomes how long do you let the house go to pot while crafting?

  4. Crystal - as long as you can get away with it.
    Cat - do you still need my address? Have you lost it since December? :)

  5. Ok I am 1st! do I get brownie points?
    18160 Fox Hollow Ln
    Bow, -as in -Bow and arrow -not- bow down
    Wa, 98232
