Friday, July 9, 2010

Pure Awesomeness

Ok. so I forgot about posting the pictures! It's a late late post...but it doesn't fade my excitement of EVERYTHING I got from Cat. How did she make all this??? I still can't believe it. The package made me feel guilty that I only made three things...
But It was like opening Christmas presents, and the gift kept coming out of the box!

A necklace made of vintage jewelry.

a ring. (LOVE LOVE LOVE)

I opened the decorated box and found this adorable banner!

A torso with a rustic dress! in a cool container... At this moment, I was panicking. How did she make all this??!!

And how did she know that I was a big fan of cupcakes?

And how did she know I love vintage americana?
Thank you, thank you Cat! for sending all these wonderful things for me. (and forgive me for posting the photos so late...)


  1. i can't believe how much i love that jewelry! i guess the nice part is that you can wear it year round too! This swap was so much fun.

  2. I want to see the jewelry modeled. :) Cat is an amazing crafter, and I totally call dibs next time.

  3. So impressive! The jewelry is awesome and I love all the vintage elements. That Cat is so darn talented!
