Sunday, June 6, 2010


We were so excited about this package!!! I didn't get a chance to take a photo of it in the box, because I had some very eager hands helping me:):) But this is what was in this perfect package: a wooden flag wall decoration, felt star sparklers with cup to sit in, pinwheels, fun straws, center placemat, necklaces and glow sticks!!!! The package is PERFECT!!!!:):)

I know that I am supposed to take pictures of the awesome crafts on display, but we are moving this week and the house is in total disaray at this Cat, if you want to come and take pictures for me, they can't be any worse than I am going to take with boxes in the staging here:):)
The beautiful wooden flag on the wall, can't wait to put it in the new house!!!! I love it!!!!

The table centerpiece, doesn't do it justice, but can't wait to have this in the new house too when everything is put away!!:):) I love it!!!!! So fun Jeabri:)

The only one that I was able to get on camera was Lucas, who, poor little man is used to being in dress up thanks to two sisters:):) But he like them! The girls were playing with the pinwheels and glow sticks almost instantly, they were huge fans of your package too Jeabri!!! Thank you so much, I love the package!!!! It is perfect:) I am glad that you liked yours too, I know that the apron and hair clips weren't 4th of Julyish, but I couldn't resist:)


  1. Jeabri, how did you make the hanging flag? I have wanted to make something like that but don't have a clue how to do it? Yours is awesome!

  2. the straws and glow sticks are such a great idea!
    and i love the fabric you chose. super cute!

  3. I already made this comment, but I don't see it: That is the cutest fabric you used on your placemat. Love it.

  4. i agree, such a cute package! i love that centerpiece...where's mine? ;)

  5. wow seriously adorable, i love the center piece! and your baby boy is the cutest!

  6. I'm glad you liked it and your kids too! I'm such a girl and worry if it would be liked! Hope your move goes well! I found the directions to the flag on the internet
    I loved the fabric too! I had to make one for myself.
