Sunday, November 7, 2010

excitement vs. guilt

i felt a little guilty opening my presents from jasmine when i had not sent her my gifts yet, but guilt was quickly replaced with excitement and i saw each of my gifts....adorable frames and recipe box...

an awesome watch....

or is it a cool bracelet....

it's both!
and the weird thing is i haven't worn a watch for about 5 years and i recently started shopping around for one but hadn't found one i liked....until now :)
Thank you, Thank you, Jasmine!


  1. I love that watch! And the frames and box are terrific. Great job, Jasmine.

  2. i don't wear a watch, but i would definately wear that one! cute, cute, cute!

  3. its all so amazing! i am drooling over those frames!!! you are so dang talented.

  4. Thanks guys...and you're very welcome, Jeanne. I never wore a watch until the beaded ones came out. It's too bad they're such a pain to make. :) Jeanne, there are recipes in the box too. I'm not a great cook, but they are my mother and mother in law's recipes so they're yummy.
